
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Metal Geeks 60: PAX South Geekery
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Friday Jan 30, 2015
The Metal Geeks podcast infested PAX South like the plague, like the Pax Pox, and the only way we could cover it all the way was to bring on our special gaming correspondent from @ultness, JD aka @S3Prototype! We dive into the first annual Penny Arcade expo South that was held in San Antonio, TX on January 23-25. Listen in as we wax poetic on our experiences, and George listens in with disappointment that he couldn’t be there! Cary was also able to snag some interviews with some video game music bands including the Minibosses (@minijefes), the One-Ups (@theOneUpBand), and the Returners from Austin (@theReturnersVGM). We also snagged some interviews with developers behind State Of Decay (@StateOfDecay and @UndeadLab), Dreadnaught , Greygoo (@GreyGooGame) both from @GreyBox games and Cary was interviewed by @AdamSessler and @AndreaRene for @LogitechG! Check out the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kB_ZOW_iDY&feature=youtu.be. We also dive into some TV and Movie news including Disney planning to reboot Indiana Jones with Chris Pratt?, Fox planning a live action X-men show, the all-female Ghostbusters team was announced, and our discussion on the Fantastic Four trailer! Keep it geeky!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the official merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website atwww.ilovegeekazoid.com
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Metal Geeks 59: 2014 Rewind Geekery Part 2
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Welcome to the second part of our annual Rewind geekery as we look back at our favorite video games and comic books from 2014! Our rewind episodes are different, and does not constitute our official top 10 or any such nonsense. It is just our favorites from the past year. We never try to quantify, but only qualify! Listen in as we geek out on more Marvel news, and dive head first into our 2014 Rewind!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the official merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website atwww.ilovegeekazoid.com
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Saturday Jan 17, 2015
MSRcast 164: 2014 Rewind Part 1
Saturday Jan 17, 2015
Saturday Jan 17, 2015

Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Metal Geeks 58: 2014 Rewind Geekery Part 1
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Welcome to part 1 of our annual rewind geekery episodes. We take a lovely look back at 2014, and in this episode, Cary, George and Dave discuss their favorite movies and tv shows from the past year. Our rewind episodes are different, and does not constitute our official top 10 or any such nonsense. It is just our favorites from the past year. We never try to quantify, but only qualify! Listen in as we geek out on George’s first trip to Disneyland, and then five head first into our 2014 Rewind! Next episode will be our favorite video games, comic books, and various other geekery!!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the official merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at www.ilovegeekazoid.com
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Friday Jan 09, 2015
MSRcast 163: HammerFall Interview
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Welcome to the first MSRcast episode of 2015, and we bring you an interview episode that we have been excited to bring your for a long time. Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you Mr. Oscar Dronjak, guitarist and songwriter for the "Heavy" Metal band, HammerFall! This is a special interview, as well as talking about the typicla metal topics like the new album, touring, etc, Oscar also delves into what makes him a geek! Not only will you hear a discussion about King Diamond, but you will also hear topics ranging from collecting Star Wars figures and classic video games to a discussion about Game Of Thrones! Rock out with your geek out and keep it metal!
HammerFall - Hector’s Hymn - (R)evolution
HammerFall - Winter Is Coming - (R)evolution
King Diamond - Welcome Home
HammerFall - Ravenlord - Stormwitch Cover
Ceremonial Oath - The Day I Buried - Carpet
HammerFall - Hammerfall
Pay a visit to www.themetalpigeon.com to read some great insights on the state of metal from our brand new cohost, the metal pigeon himself. The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com or www.metalgeeks.net for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @themetalpigeon. Come and join Cary G. and Sean (the Metal Pigeon) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Thursday Dec 25, 2014
Metal Geeks 57: Holiday Geekery
Thursday Dec 25, 2014
Thursday Dec 25, 2014
Metal Geeks 57 has made a journey down your chimney and is bringing you holiday goodness! Listen in as you will your hosts, Cary and George welcome Sean aka The Metal Pigeon from sister podcast, MSRcast, as your other host Dave is being held hostage by some elves this holiday season. Topics include movies of 2015, Robin Williams last movie role, Sony and The Interview and cyber terrorism, Hobbit 3, the Marvel Experience and lots of other geekery! Have a happy holiday ya’ll and see you next year! Keep it geeky!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the official merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at www.ilovegeekazoid.com
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
MSRcast 162: Holiday Metal!
Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
Your hosts get in the holidaze mood as they spin metalized versions of some holiday classics that range the gamut of metal styles ranging from a Hannukah song, the legendary Dio, George Lynch covering Trans-Siberian Orchestra, a Paul McCartney classic cover, and even some brand new tracks! Check us out on www.metalgeeks.net, and on www.metalinjection.net/msrcast. Give us your feedback at msrcast@gmail.com! We look forward to bringing you many more years of metal, and as always, keep it metal! Playlist: Gods Of Fire - Oh Hannukah - Hannukah Gone Metal Exhumed - No Presents For Christmas - Tribute To King Diamond Dio - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Theocracy - Rudolph Vs. Frosty Kamelot - We Three Kings George Lynch - Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 Sanctuary - Frozen Allen/Lande - Lady Of Winter Helix - A Wonderful Christmas Time Pay a visit to www.themetalpigeon.com to read some great insights on the state of metal from our brand new cohost, the metal pigeon himself. The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com or www.metalgeeks.net for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @themetalpigeon. Come and join Cary G. and Sean (the Metal Pigeon) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Metal Geeks 56: Hackers Geekery
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
The Metal Geeks holiday party turned into an exciting round table discussion around a couple of Sennheiser boundary mics. As our belly’s were full of pizza, our minds started wandering into lots of more geeky topics, as the better halves of both Cary and Dave were on hand to give in their two cents. Later on during the show, we were joined by friend of the show Matt, and we continued on with discussions with more of the Sony hacking scandal, lots of Marvel movie news, a little discussion about the Hobbit (No Spoilers), some more video game discussion, and what? 21 Jump Street meets Men In Black?? Join in the fun, and keep it geeky!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind! Other topics include the Krypton tv series, Gotham, Supergirl, Sunset Overdrive, Xbox One price drop, and lots of other geekery!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the official merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at www.ilovegeekazoid.com
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Saturday Dec 13, 2014
MSRcast 161: Seriously Metal
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Your hosts seriously go metal in this episode! Seriously! In this episode of one of the longest running metal podcasts, your hosts, Cary and Sean seriously wax poetic about many metalized topics including the Megadeth split, our little tribute to David Gold and Woods of Ypres, owning a Testament song, brand new Faith No More is a MotherF&*er, how you can help a bunch of Dutch performance artists raise money for the Red Cross, why we are not at Opeth and In Flames, Blind Guardian, and so much more. Check us out on www.metalgeeks.net, and on www.metalinjection.net/msrcast. Give us your feedback at msrcast@gmail.com! We look forward to bringing you many more years of metal, and as always, keep it metal!
Triosphere - Steal Away the Night
Spectral Manifest - In Shadows Unseen
Serious Black - Sealing My Fate
Mors Principium EST - We Are The Sleep
Novembers Doom - Wet Leather - Tribute to Woods Of Ypres
Pay a visit to www.themetalpigeon.com to read some great insights on the state of metal from our brand new cohost, the metal pigeon himself. The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com or www.metalgeeks.net for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @themetalpigeon. Come and join Cary G. and Sean (the Metal Pigeon) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Friday Dec 05, 2014
Metal Geeks 55: Mindblowing Geekery
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
In this episode, we make sure to blow your mind with lots of geekery! Boom!!! Listen in as we discuss The Star Wars trailer, the Jurassic World trailer, Howard The Duck, the changes to the Great Movie Ride at Disney Hollywood Studios, Problems with the Megadeth camp, the strange leaking of Sony movies, Suicide Squad movie, and lots more! We had a blast on this episode as we invited JD from Ultness.com to join in our fun! Boom!!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind! Other topics include the Krypton tv series, Gotham, Supergirl, Sunset Overdrive, Xbox One price drop, and lots of other geekery!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the official merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at www.ilovegeekazoid.com
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!