
Friday Sep 12, 2014
Metal Geeks 49: Haunted Mansion Geekery
Friday Sep 12, 2014
Friday Sep 12, 2014
Welcome Foolish Mortals to episode 49 of the metal geeks podcast, the only podcast that covers heavy metal, comic books, video games, and all other sorts of geekery! In this episode, the Metal Geeks crew welcome on board our doombuggy, Jeff Baham, author of the Unauthorized Story of the Haunted Mansion, creator of www.doombuggies.com, and podcaster as well on two different Disney based podcasts including the Doombuggies Spook Show and Mousetalgia. Keep your arms and hands in your vehicle at all times and remember to Keep It Geeky!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @msrcast, @ilovegeekazoid, and @georgetrip. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Metal Geeks 48: Amazing Houston Comic Con Geekery
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
The Metal Geeks crew took the first annual Amazing Houston Comic Con by storm this past weekend! All of your hosts were there in some respect, as you will hear in this episode. We had the extreme pleasure of having the chance to interview some very special guests including Jimmy Jay, the owner and founder of Amazing Comic Cons, Jon Hughes, the founder of Overground Comics, Deadpool artist Marat Mychaels, and interviews with some local artists including Mark Nasso, WonderBros, and Nikki Ward. We discuss the show in itself, and end with some heavy metal geekery between your hosts, Cary G. and Dave!
Links In This Episode:
Amazing Houston Comic Con Amazing Houston Comic Con @AmazingComicCon
Alana Rose - Rotten Rose - https://www.etsy.com/people/AlanaRottenRose @toxicshockfx
Marat Mychaels - Marat Mychaels (Person) - Comic Vine @MaratMychaels
Overground Comics - http://overgroundcomics.com @overgroundcomics
Nikki Ward - http://nikkiwardart.deviantart.com
Wonderbros - http://www.wonderbros.com @WonderBros_Matt
Mark Nasso - http://www.theundergroundforest.com @marknasso
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the officialy merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Geekazoid
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Thursday Sep 04, 2014
MSRcast 155: Grey Skies Fallen
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Welcome to another jam packed and lengthy interview episode of MSRcast as we welcome vocalist and guitarist, Rick Habeeb, from New York’s Doom ladened Grey Skies Fallen! Join your hosts, Cary G. and Sean as they delve into their long career as Grey Skies Fallen, the brand new album, “ The Many Sides Of Truth”. his influences, his new band Buckshot Facelift, and some great stories from the band’s history! They are indeed keeping it Metal! m/
Grey Skies Fallen - End Of My Rope - The Many Sides Of Truth
Grey Skies Fallen - Ritual Of The Exciter - The Many Sides Of Truth
Buckshot Facelift - 15,000 Missing - Living Ghosts On The North Shore
Grey Skies Fallen - The Purest Form - The Fate Of Angels
Grey Skies Fallen - The Essence Of Motion - Tomorrow’s In Doubt
Grey Skies Fallen - Two Way Mirror - Two Way Mirror
Iron Maiden - Still Life - Piece Of Mind
Opeth - April Ethereal - My Arms, Your Hearse
Death - Perennial Quest - Symbolic
Unisonic - For The Kingdom - For The Kingdom
Helloween - Future World - Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 1
Dark Tranquility - Lethe - The Gallery
My Dying Bride - A Sea To Suffer In - The Angel And The Black River
Artificial Brain - Absorbing Black Ignition - Labyrinth Constellation
Buckshot Facelift - I Left My Heart In El Paso - Living Ghosts Of The North Shore
Grey Skies Fallen - Blue - Two Way Mirror
Pay a visit to www.themetalpigeon.com to read some great insights on the state of metal from our brand new cohost, the metal pigeon himself.
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com or www.metalgeeks.net for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @themetalpigeon. Come and join Cary G. and Sean (the Metal Pigeon) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Thursday Aug 28, 2014
Metal Geeks 47: Summer Movie Geekery
Thursday Aug 28, 2014
Thursday Aug 28, 2014
Summer is almost over and what better way to celebrate than discuss the best and worst of the Summer movie season. We dissect and argue about what we think were our favorites! We also talk about our first Loot Crate experience, some tv discussion and plenty of other geekery!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the officialy merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Geekazoid
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Wednesday Aug 20, 2014
Metal Geeks 46: Journey Into Geekery
Wednesday Aug 20, 2014
Wednesday Aug 20, 2014
Welcome to another fun filled episode of the Metal Geeks podcast. We welcome on board as a full time host, the geekazoid himself, Dave Armour, @ilovegeekazoid! Also along for the ride as a host this go around the geeky sun is George, @Georgetripsas! Welcome these guys with an open mind and an open heart as we dive into all sorts of geektastic topics ranging from paying our tribute to Robin Williams, plenty of Disney talk, the Haunted Mansion anniversary, Amazing Comic Con, Gamescon, Guardians of the freakin’ Galaxy and even our review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the movie?!?!?
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the officialy merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Geekazoid
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekery. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Metal Geeks 45: Comic Con 2014 Geekery
Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Welcome to our Comic Con filled episode of the Metal Geeks podcast. We created a panel of geekery to dive into this topic including Chris Sully from Nerd Fu Podcast, Justin Corbett from Comical Podcast, Dave Armour from Geekazoid, and a podcasting virgin, George Tripsas, geek at heart. We cover all sorts of topics including the Comic Con lawsuit, Antman, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Wonder Woman, Batman V. Superman, Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron, Skull Island, King Kong, Godzilla 2, Mad Max, Xmen, Days Of Future Past, Sharknado, Star Wars, Marvel, Comics, Comic Books, the Hobbit, Battle Of the Five Armies, SHIELD, Mockingbird, Star Wars, Rebels, Corey Stoll, Yellowjacket, the Strain and much more! We apologize for some audio difficultties, but sit back, relax, and get your geek on!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the officialy merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Geekazoid
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Sunday Jul 20, 2014
MSRcast 154: 2014 New Releases Part 2
Sunday Jul 20, 2014
Sunday Jul 20, 2014
In this episode of MSRcast, we dive back into the new releases of 2014 with our very special guest, the metal pigeon himself, Sean from the metalpigeon.com. Listen in as we discuss some metal news topics, and play music from such luminary bands such as Sabaton, Sonata Arctica, Edguy, Agalloch, Falconer, Septic Flesh, Crowbar, Goatwhore and many many more.
Septicflesh - Titan - Titan
Edguy - Love Tyger - Space Police - Defenders Of The Crown
Crowbar - Symmetry In White - Symmetry In Black
Sonata Arctica - The Wolves Die Young - Pariah’s Child
High Spirits - When The Lights Go Down - You Are Here
Agalloch - The Astral Dialogue - The Serpent And The Sphere
Goatwhore - Baring Teeth For Revolt - Constricting Rage Of The Merciless
Humut Tabal - Furious Winged Helldaemons Soar - The Dark Emperor ov The Shadow Realm
Steel Prophet - 666 Is Everywhere (The Heavy Metal Blues) - Omniscient
Sabaton - Resist And Bite - Heroes
Ludichrist - Last Train To Clarksville - Immaculate Deception
Falconer - At The Jesters Ball - Black Moon Rising
Pay a visit to www.themetalpigeon.com to read some great insights on the state of Metal, and our special guest hosts opinions! He is keepin it metal!
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com or metalgeeks.net for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Tuesday Jul 15, 2014
Metal Geeks 44: Guardians Of The Geekery!
Tuesday Jul 15, 2014
Tuesday Jul 15, 2014
Welcome to another fine edition of the Metal Geeks Podcast. In this episode, we welcome a special guest host in Mr. Dave Armour from our sponsors, Geekazoid! We delve into all sorts of topics including the new Judas Priest album, why Greg Christian left Testament, Varg, why headbanging could be hazardous to your health, Disneyland, Diagon Alley at Universal Orlando, Deadbeat on Hulu, Steam and how it drains your wallet, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Shovel Knight, Guacamelee, a preview from Guardians Of The Galaxy, and the Figment comic book. Such a wide variety of topics can only be found in one place, and that is the Metal Geeks podcast!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the officialy merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Geekazoid
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Metal Geeks 43: E3 2014 Geekery
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Welcome to episode 43 of the Metal Geeks podcast. As our illustrious co-host, JM Metal Geek is off spending time with family this week, we would be remiss if we didn’t cover the goings ons from the past week at E3! Video games galore! To make up for the loss of one host, we bring on board a panel of video games geeks including JD from ultness.com, Stephen Portala who just happens to be a brand new writer for the Metal Geeks website, David Armour, who happens to be owner and proprietor of Geekazoid, one of our sponsors, but also a metal head who loves Disney and Video Games like Cary G, and last but not least, a very special return of Riverdragon169, otherwise known as Kim G, aka Cary G’s lifemate. Enjoy this episode as we delve into all sorts of video games discussions from E3!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the officialy merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid, ilovegeekazoid on Instagram and their website at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Geekazoid
Join us on our website at www.metalgeeks.net to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Monday Jun 02, 2014
MSRcast 152: Interview with James Rivera of Helstar
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Welcome to episode 152 of the MSRcast metal podcast, as we devote almost three hours to vocalist, James Rivera from the Houston, Texas thrash legends, Helstar! We dive in to lots of topics ranging from the new album, "This Wicked Nest", touring, picking which songs make the set, and lots, lots more! Thanks for tuning in, and keep it metal!
Check out more about Helstar at www.helstarmetal.com!
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!
Helstar - The Fall Of Dominion - THis Wicked Nest
Helstar - It Has Risen - This Wicked Nest
Deep - The Reach Of Envy - The Reach Of Envy
Helstar - The King Is Dead - Sins Of The Past
Helstar - Run With The Pack - Burning Star
Helstar - Evil Reign - XXX 30 Years Of Hel
Helstar - Pandemonium - Glory Of Chaos
3 Inches Of Blood - My Sword Will Not Sleep - Long Live Heavy Metal
Accept - Restless And Wild - Restless And Wild
Black Sabbath - After All (The Dead) - Dehumanizer
Destinys End - The Watcher - Transition
Seven Witches - Mental Messiah - Passage To The Other Side
Killing Machine - Fatal Chances - Metalmorphosis
Helstar - Baptized In Blood - XXX - 30 Years Of Hel
Helstar - Burning Star - Sins Of The Past
Helstar - Tormentor - The King Of Hell