
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Metal Geeks Episode 42: Comicpaloozin It Geekery
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
We have returned from Comicpalooza 2014 finally and bring you a con filled episode of discussion and interviews from lots of special guests. Included in this episode are interviews with Ming Chen and Michael Zapzic from AMC’s Comic Book Men, the one and only Jason Mewes(Snootches), a real live astronaut, Stan Love, the Incredible Hulk himself, Lou Ferrigno, and some comic book luminaries including Mike Mignola, Greg Capullo and Mark Texeira! We also delve into a semi spoilered filled review on X-men: Days Of Future Past.
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Also, check out our brand new sponsor over at Geekazoid. They produce all kinds of geeky products, and are the officialy merch guys for Metal Geeks Podcast! Check them out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ilovegeekazoid, on twitter: @ilovegeekazoid and their website at https://www.etsy.com/shop/Geekazoid
Join us on our website at www.metalgeekspodcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Monday May 12, 2014
Metal Geeks Episode 41: Dark Side Of Disney Geekery
Monday May 12, 2014
Monday May 12, 2014
Welcome boys and girls to episode 41 of the Metal Geeks podcast as we get all Disney up in here as we welcome our special Guests Philip Swift and Leonard Kinsey who are working on the documentary film about Disney and its theme parks titled “Dark Side Of Disney”. This is definitely not your mother’s Disney guidebook, and fits in perfectly with Metal Geeks! Listen as we discuss the documentary, drinking at the Disney Theme Parks, Dole Whip, the guidebook, Fastpass Plus, our favorite restaurants, and much more geekery!
Check out the kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/philipbswift/the-dark-side-of-disney-a-documentary-film . Follow Leonard Kinsey on twitter at @darksideofdisney, and visit his website at www.darksideofdisney.com. For more information on filmmaker Philip Swift and his projects, point your browsers to http://dearmothman.com/ and follow him on twitter @philipbswift!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
We are proud to sponsor one of the largest Comic Book Conventions in the Houston area, Comicpalooza, coming up on May 23 - 26 at the George R. Brown Convention center. Point your browsers to www.comicpalooza.com/register and use the code “metalgeek” to save money on your passes! Come geek out with us!
Join us on our website at www.metalgeekspodcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Friday May 09, 2014
Metal Geeks Episode 40: Spidery Geekery with Paul Kuhr of Novembers Doom
Friday May 09, 2014
Friday May 09, 2014
*Thwip Thwip* Geekazoids. This episode Metal Geeks Cary G and JM are joined by the biggest Spider-Man geek of them all, vocalist of Novembers Doom; Paul Kuhr. That's right, ANOTHER metal band member who geeks out about Comics. So much so, he even totes the "Clone Saga" one of his favorite Web-Head story arcs. Join us as we discuss the Superior Spider-Man series finale, The Amazing Spider-Man relaunch, and the box office hit; The Amazing Spider-Man 2! Oh btw, if you are a Novembers Doom fan; you MUST listen to this show.
Check out more information on our special guest, Paul Kuhr, vocalist from Novembers Doom at these following locations. Check out the website at www.novembersdoom.com, twitter @PaulKuhr, and Facebook at /www.facebook.com/NovembersDoom1989.
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
We are proud to sponsor one of the largest Comic Book Conventions in the Houston area, Comicpalooza, coming up on May 23 - 26 at the George R. Brown Convention center. Point your browsers to www.comicpalooza.com/register and use the code “metalgeek” to save money on your passes! Come geek out with us!
Join us on our website at www.metalgeekspodcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Saturday May 03, 2014
Metal Geeks Podcast 39: Heroic Geekery
Saturday May 03, 2014
Saturday May 03, 2014
Welcome to another heroic episode of the Metal Geeks podcast! Join your hosts, Cary G. and JM Metal Geek as they wing it on this episode, and are just doing it live! Come check out our sensitive side, our angry side, and our extroverted side! Many topics are tackled in this episode including Cary G’s recent Iced Earth and Sabaton concert experience, talk about Superior Spider-man and Dan Slott, the death of Bob Hoskins and what Who Framed Roger Rabbit meant to Cary G. as a young impressionable child, a discussion on Doctor Who by non Whovians, why the Marvel Legends line doesn’t have the rights to use their own character names on some toys, and so much more!
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
We are proud to sponsor one of the largest Comic Book Conventions in the Houston area, Comicpalooza, coming up on May 23 - 26 at the George R. Brown Convention center. Point your browsers to www.comicpalooza.com/register and use the code “metalgeek” to save money on your passes! Come geek out with us!
Join us on our website at www.metalgeekspodcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
MSRcast 152: 2014 New Releases Part 1
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Welcome to episode 152 of MSRcast where we dive into the plethora of new releases that have bombarded us during the first part of the year already. There are so many albums that we had to bring back a very special guest, Sean from the Metal Pigeon. We delve into new releases ranging from over the top power metal from Germany, tributes to Dio, brutal tributes to Satan, history lessons about the Chicago fire, another over the top power metal track from Germany, Thrashing tributes to metal, instrumental madness, and much more! There is something here for everyone, so sit back, relax and enjoy this episode of MSRcast. Keep it Metal!!
Freedom Call - Beyond - “Beyond”
Dawn Of Destiny - No Hope For The Healing - “FEAR”
Exmortus - Slave To The Sword - “Slave To The Sword”
Anthrax - Neon Nights - Dio - “This Is Your Life”
These Are They - The Devils Kiss - “1871”
Blackfinger - My Many Colored Days - “Blackfinger”
Edguy - Sabre & Torch - “Space Police”
Behemoth - Messe Noire - “The Satanist”
Mayan - Burn Your Witches - “Antagonise”
Grand Magus - Steel Versus Steel - “Triumph And Power”
Gus G. - Dreamkeeper (Featuring Tom S. Englund) - I am The Fire
Persuader - One Lifetime - The Fiction Maze
Conquering Dystopia - Prelude To Obliteration - Conquering Dystopia
Check out the blog of our special guest, Sean from the Metal Pigeon, at www.themetalpigeon.com for well thought out and well written articles about the Metal scene we all know and love. Expand your minds!
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Monday Apr 07, 2014
Metal Geeks Podcast 38: Wedded Bliss Geekery
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Welcome to Metal Geeks EP 38 where Geek is Chic and Co-Hosts get married. No, Cary and JM didn’t marry each other; but JM Metal Geek got hitched and we indulge on his wedding. After you dry your tears of joy with your Hosts; keep tuned-in so you can hear them Geek out on the ALL-NEW MARVEL NOW!, Remembering Dave Brockie of GWAR, Cary G’s involvement with Houston’s Comicpalooza including the confirmed guests, JM finally conforming to the peer-pressure of Cary G by discussing his newly acquired Disney Annual Pass, up-coming METAL GEEKS episodes; as-well as upcoming MSRcast podcasts in the queue. Well, what are you waiting for; put those ears in hyperspace!
The Metal Geeks Podcast is now a proud sponsor of Texas’ largest Comic Book and Pop Culture convention, Comicpalooza on May 23 - May 26 in Houston, TX. Point your browsers to www.comicpalooza.com to purchase your tickets, and use the special code of “metalgeek” to save $3 off a 1 day pass, and $5 off a weekend pass.
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Join us on our website at www.metalgeekspodcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Friday Mar 14, 2014
MSRcast 151: Black Crown Initiate
Friday Mar 14, 2014
Friday Mar 14, 2014
Welcome back to another stellar interview episode of MSRcast metal podcast, as we delve into the world of up and coming band, Black Crown Initiate, and the mind of Andy Thomas! Listen in as we discuss their debut EP, touring with Behemoth and the Metal Alliance tour, the metal scene in Pennsylvania, and of course, my favorite subject, Devin Townsend. We play music from Black Crown Initiate, along with Rivers Of Nihil, who hail from the same region, and music that inspired Andy. Sit back, enjoy, and keep it metal!
Black Crown Initiate - Stench Of The Iron Age
Black Crown Initiate - Ghosts She Sends
Devin Townsend - Bastard
Mahavishnu Orchestra - Meeting Of The Spirits
Meshuggah - Elastic
Black Crown Initiate - The Mountain Top
Black Crown Initiate - Song Of The Crippled Bull
Rivers of Nihil - Rain Eater
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Welcome to another geek filled episode of Metal Geeks podcast, but this time just a bit different. Our illustrious co-host, JM Metal Geek, was unable to attend this episode, as he is off getting married to the love of his life. We wish him all the best, and look forward to his return. In his place, we got one of our favorite guests to come back on as an official guest host. Welcome back to the fold, Mr. Larry Roberts of metal stalwarts, Novembers Doom. We discuss all kinds of topics including their new album, the 70000 tons of metal cruise, Marvel and Netflix, Star Wars Clone Wars, Marvel’s Agents Of Shield, owning a comic book store, and lots of Doctor Who geekery.
For more on Novembers Doom, point your browsers to www.novembersdoom.com on the interwebs, and to catch up up Larry himself, visit and friend him on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/larry.roberts.75?ref=ts) and on twitter at @NvmbrsDoom5
Don’t forget to check out our sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! They are having a huge sale right now. You can save yourself 10 percent by using the discount code, metalgeeks10. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Join us on our website at www.metalgeekspodcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Monday Feb 24, 2014
MSRcast 150: 2013 Rewind Part 2
Monday Feb 24, 2014
Monday Feb 24, 2014
Welcome friends to the annual MSRcast rewind. This is the second part of our look back at our favorite releases from the past year. Remember, this is not a top 10, and in no kind of order, but we just play songs from the albums we dug the most out of the past year, including Gorguts, Queensryche, Ihsahn, Exhumed, Tyr, Ayreon, Serenity and many more. Opinions! There was so much metal to enjoy, that we had to bring on a very special guest, Sean from the metalpigeon.com metal blog. Check out his exquisite musings about all sorts of metal topics! Enjoy the metal!
Carcass - Mount of Execution - Surgical Steel (Cary and JM)
Orphaned Land - All Is One - All Is One (Cary and Sean)
Stratovarius - Abandon - Nemesis (Cary)
Volbeat w/ King Diamond - Room 24 (JM) Fuck the album. this is one of the best songs all year.
Hypocrisy - Soldier Of Fortune - End Of Disclosure (Cary)
Annihilator - Deadlock - Feast (JM)
Killswitch Engage – The Call - Disarm the Descent (JM)
Oliva - Soul Chaser - Raise The Curtains (Cary)
Devin Townsend Project - Kingdom - The Retinal Circus (Cary)
Falkenbach - Eweroun - Asa (Sean)
Trouble - Hunters Of Doom - The Distortion Field (Cary)
Death Ray Vision - Choke - We Ain’t Leavin’ Till You’re Bleedin’ (JM)
Helloween - World Of War - Straight Out Of Hell (Cary)
Witherscape - The Wedlock Observation - The Inheritance (Cary)
Atlantean Kodex’s - Twelve Stars and an Azure Gown - (Sean)
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Metal Geeks Podcast 36: Geekazoids Roll Out!
Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Welcome Geekazoids to a brand spanking new episode of Metal Geeks. Come join your loyal host Cary G and this weeks special guest...uh sorry, and co-host JMMetalGeek where they wave their Geek Flags on various topics from UpComing Fox television show Gotham and CW's Flash as well as Marvel Studios upcoming Ant-Man and Avengers 2...we hate to keep stepping up on our soapbox; but we DO discuss casting news for Man of Steel sequel. Plus hear us talk about a new contest, comics we read, and stuff we picked up since the last show. What are you waiting for? Getcher Geek On!!
Check out our brand new sponsor over at thevinyldead.com for all of your vinyl toy needs! Listen to the show to find out the special discount code that will save you 10%!. Get your loved one, or yourself a little something! You can get us something as well. We wouldn’t mind!
Join us on our website at www.metalgeekspodcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!