
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
MSRcast 145: Larry Roberts from Novembers Doom
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
to episode 145 of MSRcast as we dive further into the mind of Larry Roberts,
guitarist for Novembers Doom. This is the second part of our lengthy and in
depth interview that started with Metal Geeks podcast episode 24 where we did
talk about the band, but also geeked out on comic books, movies, and lots of
geeky topics. This episode has hand picked music from Larry himself, some of
his favorite songs of all time, and some new stuff as well. This is one of the
most honest and most interesting interviews we have done on MSRcast, and one
that will be remembered for the ages.
The Granulating Dark Satanic Mills – Surgical Steel
Mechanical Mind
Doom – Into Nights Requiem Infernal – Into Nights Requiem Infernal
Doom - Rain – The Novella Reservoir
Witch – Angel Witch – Angel Witch
Frost- Rex Irae (Requiem) – Into The Pandemonium
Of Ypres – Wet Leather – Woods IV – The Green Album
Maiden- Murders In The Rue Morgue – Killers
– Servants Of The Warsmen
At The End Of My Daze – Trouble
Doom – Harvest Scythe – Aphotic
– Randy Scouse Git – In The Mushroom
Doom – Not The Strong – To Welcome The Fade
official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your
MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots
more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on
twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM
MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan
page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the
show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and
subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Friday Nov 08, 2013
Metal Geeks 28: Iann Robinson Geekery
Friday Nov 08, 2013
Friday Nov 08, 2013
Welcome Geekazoids to another Geektastic episode of Metal Geeks, Episode 28 to be exact! Joining us this week we have uber Metal Geek, Iann Robinson guesting on the soapbox. Most of you may recognize his name from MTV during the early 2000’s. Let it be known though, MTV isn’t the only thing Iann has conquered. Infact, listen to the show and hear about his origins of being injected into the Music Industry and how it brought him into being a writer for CraveOnline. It was a pleasure to have him on the show and we can’t wait to have him on again. Come on. Getcher Geek-On!
Follow Iann on the twitter @iannrobinson, on the Instagrams @kidrobot71 and follow on his facebook page at http://alturl.com/8ngmp. Catch up on Iann’s work on Crave Online at
Join us on our website at http://www.msrcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geeks comic podcast network. Check them out at http://www.rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Thursday Oct 31, 2013
MSRcast 146: Halloween 2013
Thursday Oct 31, 2013
Thursday Oct 31, 2013
In our annual spooky fashion, we bring to you another episode of MSRcast chock full of ghoulish delight and music based on the most evil holiday of them all, Halloween. Our co-host, JM MetalGeek, has been captured by some playful spirits and was unable to break away to join in on the fun, but we did manage to locate a special guest host, Will Bozarth, who is even able to call on some of his ghostly acquaintances to help in all of the fun.
For more information on our special co-host, Will Bozarth, follow him on twitter @bozarth.
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!
Type O Negative - All Hallows Eve
Chuck Billy - Thriller
Slayer - Dead Skin mask
Shadows Fall - Bark At The Moon (Ozzy Cover)
Tyr - Cemetary Gates
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Testament - Burnt Offerings
Van Canto - Fear of the dark
Graveworm - Fear Of The Dark
Sacred Steel - Dig Up Her Bones’
Pentagram - the Ghoul
Cathedral - Hopkins, the Witchfinder General
Devin Townsend Project - Vampira
Misfits - Halloween
King Diamond - Halloween
Helloween - Halloween

Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Metal Geeks 27: Disneyfied Halloween Geekery
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Join your ghost hosts on a Disneyfied and Haunted episode of Metal Geeks Podcast. Cary G. and JM Metal Geek bring you an interview with Disney Vinylmation artists on the entire Marvel series, Thomas Scott, and learn all about the process of making these highly addicting collectibles. Other topics include the Disney Kingdoms comic series, Avatar Land news at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Iron Man Experience at Hong Kong Disneyland, the new Guest Assistance Card process at Disney parks, discussion on Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer, the Splatterfest film contest, Army of Darkness 2, Metalocalypse opera, Jm Metal Geek goes on a rant about Beware the Batman tv series, our updated views on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Arrow, Dr. Strange movie, the Antman movie, the addictive nature of Lego Marvel, Batman Origins: Blackgate on PS Vita, and we round up our episode with some JM’s facts and stuff about the Haunted Mansion and some Marvel movies. Nice and eclectic, just how we like it!
For more information on Thomas Scott and the work he does with Disney on Vinylmation, follow him on Twitter @eyenoise, and Instagram @eyenoise.
Join us on our website at www.msrcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geek comic podcast network. Check them out at http://rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Friday Oct 25, 2013
Metal Geeks 26: Kurt Amacker Geekery
Friday Oct 25, 2013
Friday Oct 25, 2013
Welcome to episode 26 of the Metal Geeks Podcast, and for those new to the show, a hardy handshake and a welcome package will be delivered later. During this episode, we welcome our very special guest, Kurt Amacker, comic book author who has partnered up with Dani Filth and Cradle Of Filth on his newest project, based on the imagery and lyrics of the British extreme metal band. Join us for our discussion and interview with Kurt on a multitude of topics including heavy metal, the scene in New Orleans, goth music, Alice Cooper, Cradle Of Filth, comic books, his past books including Tad Caldwell and the Monster Kid, Dead Souls, Immortal:60 and projects with Finnish band, the 69 Eyes, and the horrible events at a recent Broken Hope concert. Enjoy your stay!
Follow Kurt on the twitter @kurtamacker, and give his facebook page a like to catch up with all of his current projects at www.facebook.com/KurtAmackerComics.
Join us on our website at http://www.msrcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geeks comic podcast network. Check them out at http://www.rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Friday Oct 18, 2013
MSRcast Episode 145: Larry Roberts from Novembers Doom
Friday Oct 18, 2013
Friday Oct 18, 2013
Welcome to episode 145 of MSRcast as we dive further into the mind of Larry Roberts, guitarist for Novembers Doom. This is the second part of our lengthy and in depth interview that started with Metal Geeks podcast episode 24 where we did talk about the band, but also geeked out on comic books, movies, and lots of geeky topics. This episode has hand picked music from Larry himself, some of his favorite songs of all time, and some new stuff as well. This is one of the most honest and most interesting interviews we have done on MSRcast, and one that will be remembered for the ages.
Carcass- The Granulating Dark Satanic Mills - Surgical Steel
Voivod- Mechanical Mind
Novembers Doom - Into Nights Requiem Infernal - Novembers Doom -Rain - The Novella Reservoir
Angel Witch - Angel Witch - Angel Witch
Celtic Frost- Rex Irae (Requiem) - Into The Pandemonium
Woods Of Ypres - Wet Leather - Woods IV - The Green Album
Iron Maiden- Murders In The Rue Morgue - Killers
Winter - Servants Of The Warsmen
Trouble- At The End Of My Daze - Trouble
Novembers Doom - Harvest Scythe - Aphotic
Lid - Randy Scouse Git - In The Mushroom
Novembers Doom - Not The Strong - To Welcome The Fade
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Metal Geeks 25: Bozarth Geekery
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Join your intrepid hosts, Cary G. and JM Metal Geek, as they venture forth out of the wastelands and seek out knowledge from all of the geeky scholars in the world. During this episode, we are joined by author, musician, autograph hound, actor, metalhead, whovian, and just generally all around geek, William Bozarth. Bozarth is an internet meme all unto himself, and can be found in the dark corners of the interwebs whenever people are spouting out wrong information! Will is known for his music with bands such as Bozarth and Goddamn Zombie; he is also an autograph collector! Just wait until you hear some of his stories during this episode. Listen in as we wax poetic on such topics as Disney Infinity, we speak about the tribute album Bozarth was involved with for David Gold and Woods Of Ypres, Will’s writing career with Spooky Skwerl Stories, why Bumblefoot from Guns N’ Roses was jamming with James Rivera of Houston metal legends, Helstar, Grand Theft Auto 5 (Who isn’t talking about it), our review of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, and we dive head first into all of the Fall TV shows! That is just the tip of our topics!
Follow our guest and all his shenanigans on twitter, @bozarth, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/will.bozarth
Join us on our website at www.msrcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! We are also now proud members of the Rhymes With Geeks comic podcast network. Check them out at http://www.rhymeswithgeek.com. Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Metal Geeks 24: Doomicus Geekerus
Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Come one, Geek all; this is Metal Geeks Episode 24. This particular episode is amazing for both Cary G and JM Metal Geek, as we geek out with the awesome and talented Larry Roberts, guitarist of Novembers Doom! We seriously are Geeking the fuck out in this episode! Join us as we discuss many topics ranging from the Monkees, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Superior Spider-Man, Novembers Doom current and future plans, Guardians of The Galaxy, and many many more topics. The conversation will be concluded on the next episode of our other podcast, MSRcast, where we will play music from Novembers Doom, and songs handpicked by Larry himself. This episode gives true meaning to being a Metal Geek!
Join us on our website at www.msrcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!

Friday Sep 20, 2013
MSRcast 144: Devin Townsend Interview
Friday Sep 20, 2013
Friday Sep 20, 2013
Welcome to another installment of MSRcast, and this time we are honored to bring to you an interview with one of our favorite artists, Mr. Devin Townsend. The actual Hevy Devy himself! We discuss all kinds of topics including the release of the Retinal Circus and all of it’s iterations, the process of putting the whole show together, self loathing of his own production, his past, present and future, and Devin picks out some music for our listeners to check out. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode as we dive into the mind of the one and only, Devin Townsend.
Devin Townsend Project - Supercrush - Addicted
Devin Townsend Project - Kingdom - Retinal Circus Live
Devin Townsend Project - Woah No! - Epiclouder
Devin Townsend Project - War - Retinal Circus Live
Devin Townsend Project - Detox- Retinal Circus Live
Judas Priest - Victim Of Changes - Unleashed In The East
Gojira - Backbone - From Mars To Sirius
Jon Hopkins - Collider - Immunity
Devin Townsend Project - Planet Of The Apes- Retinal Circus Live
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at msrcast.com for all of your MSRcast needs, including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more. Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on twitter, @msrcast and @jmmetalgeek. Come and join Cary G. and Bolthorn (JM MetalGeek) over on Facebook, and while you are there, like our facebook fan page to keep up! Come find us over on Instagram, @msrcast. If you like the show, let others know about it by tweeting about it, talking about it, and subscribing in itunes and leaving a comment! Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Wednesday Sep 18, 2013
Metal Geeks 23: Gerry Kissell: Code Word: Geekery
Wednesday Sep 18, 2013
Wednesday Sep 18, 2013
Join us, weary travelers, for another episode of the Metal Geeks podcast as we welcome aboard our very special guest, artist extraordinaire, Gerry Kissell. We start off by discussing Gerry and his careers in comics, including Iron Sky, Code Word: Geronimo, Alan Wake, and the upcoming Vindicated INC, the story about a former Delta Force Operator who loses his legs in combat, and with his new prosthetic legs, becomes a crime fighting vigilante. That is where it get’s strange. We dive into all sorts of topics, including, but not to exclude talk about graphic novels, Batman, Call Of Duty and multiplayer games, DLC for video games, Ben Affleck and Kevin Smith, Cyberforce, some military grade weapons, film making and story boarding, Mike Mignola, comic book conventions, Microsoft still supporting Xbox 360 after new generation, Game Of Thrones, binge watching TV shows, Strikeback, the Dinklage of Peter, AC/DC, some strange Bruce Dickinson news, and a plethora of many other different and strange topics! This episode was three guys just hanging out and rocking out with their geeks out! We are not very family friendly in this episode, and have so much fun, so dig in everybody!
You can keep up with all of Gerry with the following: @gerrykissell on the twitter, you can facebook him at windowtothemagic, and visit his website at Gerrykissell.com!
Join us on our website at www.msrcast.com to keep up with all the geekiness. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, @JMmetalgeek and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeekspodcast. Find us on Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and leave a review and a like us whilst you are there. Don’t forget to pay a visit to Ultness.com, our new home for all of our Metal Geeks Shenanigans! Catch you on the next episode, and Keep It Geeky!