
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
MSRcast 130: Long Since Metal!
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
Welcome kiddies to episode 130 of MSRcast. We have been bringing the metal for a long time, and we are bringing you a splatterfest of metal ranging from Doom/Death to Thrash, to Prog Metal! We bring you the best of Metal, and throw it in a blender!
Sabaton - Twilight Of The Thunder God
Dublin Death Patrol - Mind Sewn Shut
Revocation - Cradle Robber
Ereb Altor - Boatman’s Call
Anata - The Drowning
Daylight Dies - The Pale Approach
Threshold - Staring At The Sun
Long Since Dark - Reflection Fade
In-Quest - In For The Kill
Blackfinger - All The Leaves Are Brown
James LaBrie - " Need You
Devin Townsend Project - Woah No!
Pentagram - Everything’s Turning To Night
Duke - Microman
Broken Teeth - Exploder
Probot - Sweet Dreams
Rest In Peace, to my friend Travis Weiss. This episode is in tribute to his memory!
The official MSRcast website is live! Visit us at www.msrcast.com for all your msrcast needs including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more! Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on Twitter, @msrcast and @msrcastbolthorn. Come and join Evil C. and Bolthorn over on Facebook, and while you are there, join our facebook fan page! We now have a brand new permanent phone number at (832) 429-6669. Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Monday Oct 15, 2012
Metal Geeks 7: Custom Geekery
Monday Oct 15, 2012
Monday Oct 15, 2012
Hails Geekazoids! It’s been awhile but we’ve finally reached Episode 7 here at Metal Geeks, I know you missed us. In our absence from the Geeky Realm of giving you eargasms, your uber Geeky hosts Cary G. and Jon-Michael have done tons of new things but to “much surprise” Jon-Michael still hasn’t played a damn video game >:-[ Contact us at themetalgeeks@gmail.com (send hatemail…don’t be scared). Follow us on Twitter @metalgeeks (RT the Hell out of us \m/[o-o]\m/) and Like us on facebook at facebook.com/MetalGeeks. We are finally live with our brand new website at www.msrcast.com! This is where you will find show notes, archives for both Metal Geeks, and MSRcast podcasts, reviews, articles, and various geeky topics we feel like covering.You can also subscribe through itunes, and while you are there, give us a review, and please let all of your friends know you are a Geekazoid, and tell them about Metal Geeks! What are you waiting for?! Come rock out with your Geek out!

Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Metal Geeks 6: Tattoos And Geekery
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Geekazoids, We have reached Episode 6 here at Metal Geeks, and the hits just keep on coming! In this super extra bonus sized episode, we premiere our brand new intro and outro Voiceover, we interviewed a tattooing Star Wars geek that is part of the 501st, talk about the upcoming Wii U and if we even care, Borderlands 2, some Blu Ray talk, some Ziltoid and Hevy Devy fun, and much more fun than you can shake a stick out. Contact us at themetalgeeks@gmail.com (send hatemail…don’t be scared). Follow us on Twitter @metalgeeks (RT the Hell out of us \m/[o-o]\m/) and Like us on facebook atfacebook.com/MetalGeeks. We are finally live with our brand new website at www.msrcast.com! This is where you will find show notes, archives for both Metal Geeks, and MSRcast podcasts, reviews, articles, and various geeky topics we feel like covering.You can also subscribe through itunes, and while you are there, give us a review, and please let all of your friends know you are a Geekazoid, and tell them about Metal Geeks! What are you waiting for?! Come rock out with your Geek out!

Saturday Sep 15, 2012
MSRcast 129: Geeky Metal
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Welcome my friends to episode 129 of MSRcast. In this episode, we get all geeky up in here. We designed a fun playlist full of songs and bands that are geeky in nature. We have everything from Spawn influenced concept albums, songs based on Marvel comics characters, Indiana Jones, Batman, 90’s cartoon series, Sci-Fi shows like Firefly, video games, and even the mighty Iron Maiden. We hope you guys enjoy and geek out with us here at MSRcast!
Iced Earth - The Dark Saga - Spawn
Blind Guardian - Sacred - Sacred 2 Video Game
Entombed - Wolverine Blues - Wolverine
ReinXeed - Temple Of The Crystal Skull - Indiana Jones
Voivoid - Batman
the Misfits - Night Of The Living Dead
Powerglove - X-men
Bonded By Blood - Theme from TMNT
Xentrix - Ghostbuster Theme
Star One - Earth That Was - Firefly
Anthrax - I am The Law - Judge Dredd
Dragonland - Neverending Story
Iron Maiden - To Tame A Land - Dune
Bal-Sagoth - The Scourge Of The Fourth Celestial War - Galactus
MOD - Dark Knight
Epica - Star Wars Theme
The official MSRcast website is officially live! Visit us at www.msrcast.com for all your msrcast needs including archives of podcasts, interviews, reviews, and lots more! Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on Twitter, @msrcast and @msrcastbolthorn. Come and join Evil C. and Bolthorn over on Facebook, and while you are there, join our facebook fan page! We now have a brand new permanent phone number at (832) 429-6669. Enjoy, and keep it metal!

Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Metal Geeks 5: The Geekin' Alphas
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Attention all Geekazoids. Welcome to another episode of Metal Geeks. We have now reached Episode 5: The Geekin’ Alphas. Tune in to hear your hosts Cary and Jon-Michael Geek Out on current Metal News, ALPHAS, the Rob Liefeld / DC Comics debacle, Transformers Fall of Cybertron, and many more topics which include exciting news regarding MSRcast and Metal Geeks! Contact us at themetalgeeks@gmail.com (send hatemail...don’t be scared). Follow us on Twitter @metalgeeks (RT the Hell out of us \m/[o-o]\m/) and Like us on facebook atfacebook.com/MetalGeeks. We are finally live with our brand new website at www.msrcast.com! This is where you will find show notes, archives for both Metal Geeks, and MSRcast podcasts, reviews, articles, and various geeky topics we feel like covering.You can also subscribe through itunes, and while you are there, give us a review, and please let all of your friends know you are a Geekazoid, and tell them about Metal Geeks! What are you waiting for?! Come rock out with your Geek out!

Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Metal Geeks 4: The Geeking Dead
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Sunday Sep 02, 2012

Sunday Aug 26, 2012
Metal Geeks 3: Super Geeks
Sunday Aug 26, 2012
Sunday Aug 26, 2012
Welcome to episode 3 of Metal Geeks podcast, my loyal Geekazoids! We get super Geeky this episode and invite you guys along for all the insanity! We discuss a wide range of geek topics including Dave Mustaine losing his mind, some non-metal bands we geek out over, Darksiders 2, Dust: An Elysian Tale, upcoming Marvel movies, a small tribute to Tony Scott, and lots of metal, comic books, and video games news and opinions. Kick your shoes off, and stay awhile, it's time for Metal Geeks! Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as if you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted podcast actually stretching?

Saturday Aug 25, 2012
MSRcast 128: Swallow The Sun Interview
Saturday Aug 25, 2012
Saturday Aug 25, 2012
Welcome to episode 128 of MSRcast where we interview one of fave Finnish Death/Doom bands, Swallow The Sun. I had the oppurtunity to chat with keyboardist, Aleksi Munter about all things Swallow The Sun, including the metal scene in Finland, touring, and the brand new album, "Emerald Forest and the Blackbird". Sit back, relax, and enjoy another interview brought to you by Mainstream Resistance and the gang at MSRcast!
Playlist includes:
Cathedral Walls
Swallow (Horror I)
Don't Fall Asleep (Horror Pt. 2)
Lights on the Lake (Horror pt. III)
Labyrinth of London (Horror pt. IV)

Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Metal Geeks 2: Geeky Boogaloo
Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Welcome, my geekazoids, to episode 2 of Metal Geeks podcast! During this action packed episode, you will hear words such as Bamf, and Pow! OK, not really, but you will hear interviews with Marvel Comics artist Khoi Pham, Land Of The Rats creator, Mark Nasso, and Image comic's Morning Glories artist, Joe Eisma direct from the first annual Space City Con in Houston. We also disucss some Heavy Metal news, comic books, video games, and even a semi-review of the brand new Transformers the Ride 3D attraction in Universal Studios Hollywood! Hold to your hats, as this will be a bumpy ride! You can feel free to contact us at themetalgeeks@gmail.com, and on twitter @metalgeeks. Find us on Facebook and like us at facebook.com/MetalGeeks. Rock Out With Your Geek Out!

Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
MSRcast 127: Glorifying Metal
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Let me hear you say the word! METAL! That's right, boys and girls, we spend this episode paying tribute and glorifying the mighty METAL music we love so much! Get ready to throw your horns in the air and pay tribute to the Metal gods!
Exodus - Metal Command
Gwar - Metal Metal Land
F.K.U. - Metal Moshing Mad
Strapping Young Lad - Far Beyond Metal
Sabaton - Metal Machine
Anthrax - Soldiers Of Metal
Deceased - Metal Church
Exhumed - Death Metal
Vader - Black Meta
Primal Fear - Metal Is Forever
Brian Pohsehn - More Metal Than You
Gamma Ray - Heavy Metal Universe
Dream Evil - Fire! Battle! In Metal
Lair Of The Minotaur - War Metal Battle Master -
Judas Priest - Metal Gods
Remember to contact us at msrcast@gmail.com, and follow us over on Twitter, @msrcast and @bothorn79. Come and join Evil C. and Bolthorn over on Facebook, and while you are there, join our facebook fan page! We now have a brand new permanent phone number at (832) 429-6669. Enjoy, and keep it metal!